Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Stiff Upper Lip

Maybe I have one or rather both the lips that are stiff. Some people are pretty effusive when it comes to compliments. They can just tell you with all warmth that you are doing well and be extremely liberal in their compliments.

It could be on what you do, a small thought or a word here, an act there. But they will remember it and while being complimented you yourself may not remember it. Well it helps me nicely me in my vanity.

Me, someone has to literally pluck words out of my mouth to get something decent as a compliment. I may be thinking to say that, but by the time I decide to say, it would have been already too late. Or when I do it, I overdo it.

I think I used the right word in vanity, as it is nothing but a conceited behavior that accepts compliments while being guarded in giving one. My mom always complained that when the food was not good, my dad always had something to say, but when it was good, he never uttered a word. His explanation was, if I don’t say anything then it is understood that it’s good. I am a true chip of the old block. We, Thirumalaiswami’s have lips glued to each other when it comes to appreciating good work done by someone. Sometimes it is also that we feel it could have been better.

My wife can do more things than me much more proficiently, but I am the brand of the house. My friends who are better than me can get lost in a race with me, just because I am born with this incredible piece of luck of finding sponsors who can compliment me.

But I do show people that I appreciate what they do. In a small or big way but so very silently, not saying so much but expecting it to be understood. I am the right wing proponent of clear communication at my house, better I start it when it comes to complimenting others.


supersubra said...

//My mom always complained that when the food was not good, my dad always had something to say, but when it wasn’t good, he never uttered a word.//

There is a small imperfection in your above sentence.

I think that is everybody's nature. Word Processor like MSWord shows only errors and never compliments when everything is perfect.

Shrikanth said...

I agree Subbu. We train ourselves to find faults. :)

Mistake corrected in the sentence too.

sidwho? said...

Reading this , I am even more flattered that you made an exception in your 100th Post!!