Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Agent of Denudation

This has nothing to do with the impending Social Studies exam of my daughter. For that matter, if it is her SST exam, I sleep early. Just because I love her too much and can’t stand to bear the pain in her face! And anyway I suppose they don’t teach this topic so early in school, but you can’t really say though. My younger one at Junior KG knows more about a few things than me. She was talked about immigration at school. I don’t know whether she has applied for a secret visa yet.

The reason I was thinking about ‘agents of denudation’ was because I was thinking of myself ( well, that happens almost all the time ). Past two days, there had been huge fun. Again, there is always huge fun in my life. This one was official though ( Now, don’t start reading between lines, what I meant was that this is about office get-together and the ensuing fun ).

My entire team has come down to Chennai. And we spent whole of Sunday at a farm and a beach resort having a rollicking time. The guys were simply delirious and it was almost like going on a college tour with all kinds of silly jokes, teasing and endless singing and dancing. We really didn’t want the day to end. It was such an amazing time; we literally had to herd folks back to the bus. And I was toasted big time!!

And then, we were back at office yesterday. In different attire, or rather completely dressed. And inside the attire, different people also. It was another kind of riot altogether. Had steam blowing all over the boardroom and whenever I asked something, there was a pregnant silence that stayed pregnant throughout. I started wondering whether people lost their voice after so much of shouting the previous day. These folks were surely not the ones who came with me yesterday.

Then it struck me; maybe that’s what they are thinking about me. Maybe as a person with a multiple personality disorder!! One of the agents of denudation that creates geological wear & tear is ‘Alternation of heat & cold’. That’s precisely what I had been doing. Blowing hot & cold. I kick started a party the previous day that ended for them, while I alone continued it the next day at office.

Now am up as usual at a stupid hour of the day, sitting and introspecting whether this is what life is like, for people around me. I am sure that my wife will subscribe to it, only the day before, she was telling a friend that her biggest complaint about me is lack of predictability.

Well, when I sit and think peacefully, I find no reason whatsoever to have acted differently at different times. That was needed. Sunday was fun and the folks to party. And yesterday was work and folks had to answer some questions. Simple!!

Maybe, just maybe I could have restrained the intensity of either occasion. I am surely not a person with MPD. And if was getting predictable, what will happen to the great me? I am not a cliché.

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