Saturday, March 31, 2007

Same Eyes

It is so strange for me to understand how the same pair of eyes see things so very differently. Or in a way I can fathom it, because it is not the eyes that see, but the brain that process that image.

There are many scientific studies done about this and the subject is beaten to death. But I am not very sure, whether the difference is seen beyond the gender perspective. I am interested in looking at the perspective of how background of a person sees an image or an event.

Or the state of mind that decides how the information is processed! You are willing to be more accommodative in a peaceful state of mind, but sometimes the smallest of irritation inside the mind, flares you up on a seemingly silly image.

I was very much impressed about Rashomon in which Kurosawa captured the perspectives of four different personalities of the same event. The very word perspective provides an answer for that. It is not what you see, but it is what you want to see.

In this book, ‘Blink’, Malcolm Gladwell argues that even the so-called hunches are nothing but subconscious recordings. How true. I was for a very long time was scared of a calling bell in the middle of the night, because in the pre – mobile days, the telegrams were sent urging sales target achievements.

This morning I saw a physically challenged person playing cricket from his tricycle and but for the recent debacle of the Indian team, I would have been smiling, but I was angry about it. When I shared that with my friend, she was all thrilled about the effort of that physically challenged and his desire to overcome his basic obstacle. She is the one who sees a glass half full and am this guy who says, anyway we can fill some more.

I have this super girl friend who is my wife, about whom I want to write and my eyes about her on different times, but since I have vowed that it will be my last and magnum opus, I am just dedicating this to her. To you Runa Laila !!!!

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