I have found out the only place where common people can feel like Kings and Queens. You are generally named something, but rarely do someone call you by that name. Strating from your own parents! I don’t remember the last time I called my daughters by their given name. If I do, they now presume that I am angry with them.
Mostly the nicknames that are kept for you are not in good taste. They are invariably some teasing ones or a dig at what you are. My folks at home called me Gundappa. Some sense of humor these guys should have got. To name me so! And to date, whether because they named me so or whatever it is, I have never exceeded 65 kg and friends tease me that my thigh’s shadow doesn’t fall on earth.
So are the names kept by me for others or generally others keep for me. I have named people as Brit, Pulli, Chimp, Bean, Panju and so on. I am called secretly by the team as Appa, standing for Dad ( unless it is an acronym like ‘Always a Pricking Pain in the Ass’ ). I have taken it as an endearment. I have become so used to nicks, that I don’t remember the last time someone called me by real name. Either I am just initials, boss or a nickname. My mom maybe when I meet will call me by my name, but that I don’t do often.
Coming back to the title, the only place you are a King or a Queen are public toilets. All toilets, be it in the airport or a star hotel, names the loo as His or Her, or King or Queen. Some are plain Gents & Ladies.
I have always wondered about what could be the original idea behind such a naming. Is it sarcasm that you can just rule over only a toilet or some profoundness like ‘feel like a king when you discharge your worries’ or just plain simple English.
Anyway, it just doesn’t harm being called a King. And feel like one, in those 2 minutes.
Mostly the nicknames that are kept for you are not in good taste. They are invariably some teasing ones or a dig at what you are. My folks at home called me Gundappa. Some sense of humor these guys should have got. To name me so! And to date, whether because they named me so or whatever it is, I have never exceeded 65 kg and friends tease me that my thigh’s shadow doesn’t fall on earth.
So are the names kept by me for others or generally others keep for me. I have named people as Brit, Pulli, Chimp, Bean, Panju and so on. I am called secretly by the team as Appa, standing for Dad ( unless it is an acronym like ‘Always a Pricking Pain in the Ass’ ). I have taken it as an endearment. I have become so used to nicks, that I don’t remember the last time someone called me by real name. Either I am just initials, boss or a nickname. My mom maybe when I meet will call me by my name, but that I don’t do often.
Coming back to the title, the only place you are a King or a Queen are public toilets. All toilets, be it in the airport or a star hotel, names the loo as His or Her, or King or Queen. Some are plain Gents & Ladies.
I have always wondered about what could be the original idea behind such a naming. Is it sarcasm that you can just rule over only a toilet or some profoundness like ‘feel like a king when you discharge your worries’ or just plain simple English.
Anyway, it just doesn’t harm being called a King. And feel like one, in those 2 minutes.
LOL Appa(‘Always Pricking Pain in the Ass’ )only u can think of such acronym.=))
Good News! I am immensely relieved..I now know the identity of Mr X the Anonymous.But I have been sworn to secrecy, so cannot reveal it yet.
By the way, didnt know about APPA..thinking of resorting to same, though not in the acronym sense.
Cant exactly remember where, but I have seen public toilets with boards saying "Laloo" & "Rabri" Each bore the emblem of a "LOTA"!!
Great news. Now that one guy knows, it is only time before others also do. Its good for anonymous to come out on his own. :))
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