Monday, June 11, 2007

Pressure to Perform

I guess I am an artiste. Why guess, I am convinced I am. Atleast let me be convinced if no one else will be. You may ask why do I think so! Ask me to substantiate my guess. Sorry, an artiste need not do that. It shows in his work. Rather, shows in his unwillingness to work.

I do things because I love them. Not because there is a pressure to perform. Anything that is shoved down my throat is promptly spat back. So, now you know that I don’t accept forced labor. Point no 1 for substantiation. Who else but an artiste can do that?

I do things only in the manner I deem it as fit. Like as if I am possessed. Not like as if. I am possessed by organization and stuff like that. Anything that is unpalatable to my taste I don’t do. Point no 2.

I do believe what I do is super. And I love my own work ( no one else would is immaterial ). Maybe I read my blogs myself more than anyone else. And everytime I keep thinking I have done a good job ( my mind suddenly grows a hammer and hits strong saying ‘come back to earth' ) But I ignore my mind’s warnings. Point no 3 as substantiation.

I have my collection of people who say what I do is good. Irrespective of what I trash out. And some encourage me to do more trash. So I am growing into an even more conceited artist. Point no 4.

I have subscribed to Adsense and haven’t made a single penny yet out of it. That shows there is no big readership. So, what I do ought to be good. Good stuff has very little following. Like Jesus Christ, I have exactly 13 people who may visit my page. So, I got to be a good artist. Point no 5.

I can just ramble like this and get away as a piece of work. Point no 6.

OK, all this is because Sunil has started keeping a timetable on my average frequency of blog posting and I don’t have anything to write and have started becoming banal by repeating what I wrote in the past. Now I can sleep peacefully for having posted something afterall. In the past it would be simply load gif images when I faced such pressures, now I have maybe improved on my rambling.

But Sunil, I am artiste pleaseeeeeee…….


sn said...

wat to do..As usual u seem to spk out OUR mind..:).Thx for the mention!

Anonymous said...

Hummm... point No 5 ur not Jesus Christ Boz u reviews and u dont have exactly 13 people ,ur the leader and u have 300 Spartans!!!!!!!! following U

Shrikanth said...

Hi anonymous, now I know you are a team member. Come clean :)) And those 13 were readers of blog I refered to. Not my followers :))

Anonymous said...

Take a guess, iam sure u cant think of me..but u know me


sidwho? said...

Hi Anonymous... After Dark raping in reviews and claiming to be an artiste is not far off the mark He has successfully raised taht to a form of art as well!!!