Thursday, July 12, 2007


Read somewhere as a joke. As what earns you points with women. But, I can’t help but amaze at the profoundness and also the practical wisdom the joke carried. OK, now I know that I tread into dangerous waters. Maybe, there will be a retort, gentle or violent or maybe lots of lots of minus points. But then, men by nature take risks. Don’t they?

Well the joke starts like this.

“In the world, one single rule applies for men. Make the woman happy. Do something she likes you get points! Do something she dislikes your points get subtracted! You do something she expects, you don’t get any points. Sorry mate, that’s how the system works”

I have skipped the guide for the rating system. That’s purely subjective I guess. But this is how my list would go, only about coming home in time. If I touch upon everything then Google guys might jump at me for using up all their server space.

  • Come Home early – 5 Points
  • Come Home late – Minus 100 Points
  • Come Home after a few beers – Minus Million Points
  • Come Home late and still offer a drive for eating out – 10 Points
  • Come Home early and read a book without talking – Minus 100 points
  • Come Home early and tell that you want to eat and what is available is not something you want – Minus 1000 points
  • Come Home early and want to have sometime for yourself – Minus 1000 Points
  • Come Home late and sleep fitfully – Minus points for a lifetime which compounds everyday.
  • Come Home early and be too very chirpy and play with children – Minus 1000 Points ( There I got you, you would have thought what is wrong in that , buddy please understand that Daddies spoil kids , they make them indiscipline and hog the only time they will study and so on… )
  • Come Home early and just behave – No Points

OK, now you see, you can utmost scrap some 15 plus points in a day by one action that has the potential to incarcerate you in a dungeon for a lifetime. Which is better, come home early and get 15 points or just avoid the risk totally? No wonder I am late to home everyday. I am a very wise guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been 6 days No new Post.What will happen to ur readers??

Looking forward for ur New Post

Mr X