Thursday, July 19, 2007

What resides in the head???

Read today that some larvae have taken up residence in a man’s head at Dallas. Apparently it looked like a bump, but a bump that was moving under the skin. Obviously our friend was shit scared.

I don’t understand what the hoopla is all about. I keep meeting many people everyday who seem to have everything inside their head but brains. Luckily for them since they had been living like that for eternity they don’t get too suspicious or worried about their condition. And they also lack the fundamental part of the human body to even take cognizance of that fact.

I will tell you why I am being so certain. I see people act in a manner that is just exactly opposite to what commonsense would demand. What else but botfly larva would reside in their head? Even a fossil presence of what we call as brain would make them aware of what they are doing. But they don’t. Seemingly straightforward stuff eludes their understanding.

But if you look at them, they look like normal human beings. The head is not in a hexagonal shape or something because there is nothing inside. Looks fairly OK to me. So something else is filling the vacuum up. Before I got too restless to know what could be that filler, this larvae news came. And now I am relaxed. I know what it is. Maybe the change in behavior between two stupid people depends on the fly. Like if it is butterfly larvae it is one way, it is another way if its botfly.

The only thing that still eludes me is how these larva heads reach where they have reached!!!

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