Sunday, September 10, 2006

Great Short Stories

Thought I will list out of dozen of the Great Short stories I have read. Each unique in their own way.

1) Do you Remember ? -- Earl Reed Silvers
2) The Open Window -- Saki
3) Lamb to the Slaughter -- Roald Dahl
4) A Dog from Nowhere -- Havilah Babcock
5) October and June -- O.Henry
6) Miracle of 15 Murderers -- Ben Hecht
7) After the wedding -- Hugh Cave
8) The Man who liked Dickens -- Evelyn Waugh
9) Mr Know-it-all -- Somerset Maugham
10) The Selfish Giant -- Oscar Wilde
11) A Question of Taste -- Roald Dahl
12) Verger -- Somerset Maugham

There could many more to this list added, but these 12 according to me can be rated as the Top 12.

1 comment:

krithi said...

hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are you out of action..hangover for such a looooooooong time eh?